I am writing to you today with good news: You have been given a gift!
And this is a gift that no one can ever take away from you.
It doesn't matter what circumstances you face. It doesn't matter who stands against you. And it doesn't matter what mistakes you may have made.
That's because this gift is not earned based on your goodness...or lack of goodness. This gift is freely given and based solely on the finished work of Jesus.
So take a moment and chew on this revelation today...
But sadly, instead of experiencing and celebrating God's lavish love, many believers are struggling and striving, trying to earn what can only be received.
For a number of years, I was one of them.
Back in the days when I was president of my youth ministry, I would preach hellfire and brimstone messages. (I know that may be hard to believe, but it's true.)
I would say, "Come on, young people, stop backsliding. You've got to have more passion for God, more love for God. Try harder. Do more."
I was sincere, and I wanted to help my youths, but in my heart I knew there was something missing in my messages.
I was preaching what I had always heard: "Prove your love. Do more for God. Love God more and more each day," but in my own life I was seeing that self-effort can only take you so far. As soon as I messed up, I'd blame myself and beat myself up for not loving God enough.
Even while I was preaching, I remember thinking,"I'm not good enough. I can never make it. Maybe some of these young people will do better than I'm doing."
Beloved, the Lord has taught me so much since those early days. Today, I want you to know...
You will remember that in this story, the younger of two brothers comes to his father and demands his inheritance. This son then goes to a faraway land and spends his father's money on riotous, wasteful living.
Eventually, his money runs out. He hits rock bottom.This wayward son decides to go back home and earn his way back into his father's good graces. He decides he'll ask his father to make him one of his hired servants. In other words, he is saying, "I'll work hard. I'll make amends for my mistake. I'll earn my way."
But I love how this story ends.
When the father sees his son on the horizon, he runs to him, throwing his arms around his wayward child, with not a single word of rebuke. Instead he calls for his servants to bring the best robe, to put a ring on his son's hand and sandals on his son's feet.
What lavish love and amazing grace we see here!
Beloved, your heavenly Father is throwing His arms around you today. He is reaching out to meet you at your point of need. You don't have to figure out a way to fix this situation you're in, lean on your own strength or perform to earn His favor and blessings.
At the cross, He cried "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" so that today, you and I can cry out, "My Father, my Father, why have You so blessed me?"
Whatever situation you may be facing today, the Father knows what you are going through; you are not alone.
Because of His great love for you, He has already made your path straight and provided everything you need today. Take your focus off the size of the problem and put your focus on the love of the Father, and I believe your breakthrough will come.
Beloved, I want you to know that I am so grateful for you and my team and I pray for you often.
Thank you for standing with us each month. Your faithful prayers and your generous support make it possible for us to share the gospel of grace all over the world. I am so blessed that believers like you are dedicated to helping us unveil Jesus for the world to see.
If you've been blessed by this message, we'd love for you to forward this email. You may know someone—a family member or a friend—who needs to know Jesus; this could be a great way to share Christ or the gospel of grace with them.
Remember, never doubt that your heavenly Father loves you. It doesn't matter what you've done or haven't done. He loves you no matter what.
His love is an unconditional gift. I hope you'll receive this gift today.
Resting In God's Lavish Love,

And this is a gift that no one can ever take away from you.
It doesn't matter what circumstances you face. It doesn't matter who stands against you. And it doesn't matter what mistakes you may have made.
That's because this gift is not earned based on your goodness...or lack of goodness. This gift is freely given and based solely on the finished work of Jesus.
So take a moment and chew on this revelation today...
You have been given the lavish, overflowing, never-ending love of your heavenly Father.
You are accepted. You are approved. You are beloved by God!But sadly, instead of experiencing and celebrating God's lavish love, many believers are struggling and striving, trying to earn what can only be received.
For a number of years, I was one of them.
Back in the days when I was president of my youth ministry, I would preach hellfire and brimstone messages. (I know that may be hard to believe, but it's true.)
I would say, "Come on, young people, stop backsliding. You've got to have more passion for God, more love for God. Try harder. Do more."
I was sincere, and I wanted to help my youths, but in my heart I knew there was something missing in my messages.
I was preaching what I had always heard: "Prove your love. Do more for God. Love God more and more each day," but in my own life I was seeing that self-effort can only take you so far. As soon as I messed up, I'd blame myself and beat myself up for not loving God enough.
Even while I was preaching, I remember thinking,"I'm not good enough. I can never make it. Maybe some of these young people will do better than I'm doing."
Beloved, the Lord has taught me so much since those early days. Today, I want you to know...
You don't have to do more to earn God's love; you can accept what Jesus did and receive God's love.
I believe we see the powerful love of the Father demonstrated so clearly in the story of the prodigal son that Jesus tells in Luke 15:1132.You will remember that in this story, the younger of two brothers comes to his father and demands his inheritance. This son then goes to a faraway land and spends his father's money on riotous, wasteful living.
Eventually, his money runs out. He hits rock bottom.This wayward son decides to go back home and earn his way back into his father's good graces. He decides he'll ask his father to make him one of his hired servants. In other words, he is saying, "I'll work hard. I'll make amends for my mistake. I'll earn my way."
But I love how this story ends.
When the father sees his son on the horizon, he runs to him, throwing his arms around his wayward child, with not a single word of rebuke. Instead he calls for his servants to bring the best robe, to put a ring on his son's hand and sandals on his son's feet.
What lavish love and amazing grace we see here!
Beloved, your heavenly Father is throwing His arms around you today. He is reaching out to meet you at your point of need. You don't have to figure out a way to fix this situation you're in, lean on your own strength or perform to earn His favor and blessings.
God is a gracious God. He loves to lavish. He loves to give.
Jesus' finished work has opened the way for you to receive the love and blessings that you don't deserve.At the cross, He cried "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" so that today, you and I can cry out, "My Father, my Father, why have You so blessed me?"
Whatever situation you may be facing today, the Father knows what you are going through; you are not alone.
Because of His great love for you, He has already made your path straight and provided everything you need today. Take your focus off the size of the problem and put your focus on the love of the Father, and I believe your breakthrough will come.
Beloved, I want you to know that I am so grateful for you and my team and I pray for you often.
Thank you for standing with us each month. Your faithful prayers and your generous support make it possible for us to share the gospel of grace all over the world. I am so blessed that believers like you are dedicated to helping us unveil Jesus for the world to see.
If you've been blessed by this message, we'd love for you to forward this email. You may know someone—a family member or a friend—who needs to know Jesus; this could be a great way to share Christ or the gospel of grace with them.
Remember, never doubt that your heavenly Father loves you. It doesn't matter what you've done or haven't done. He loves you no matter what.
His love is an unconditional gift. I hope you'll receive this gift today.
Resting In God's Lavish Love,
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