Have you noticed that every day of your life is made up of choices?
Some of these choices are small (like what you'll wear or which route to take to work), and other choices are much more important (like a career move or what school is best for your child).
But I want to talk to you about the biggest choice you can make each day...and this choice is about what you are going to believe about God's grace.
Beloved, your decision about believing and receiving God's grace will impact every area of your life!
That's why I want to help you choose to believe right by...
Making grace the principal thing.
When grace becomes the principal thing for you—you can experience health, provision, peace and abundance like never before.Because of the finished work of Jesus, everything you need has already been provided. Grace is all about God's supply for our needs.
Beloved, Jesus has provided a better way. The new covenant is greater than the old covenant.Grace is more powerful than law!
But if this is true, why are we not seeing more victory? Why is healing not rampant in our churches? Why are many believers still struggling with lack?
The new covenant is established upon better promises, so you should be experiencing not just healing, but supernatural health. Not just enough, but more than enough. Not just favor, but irresistible favor. So why is that not always what we experience?
I believe a story in Matthew's account of the Gospel gives us the answer.
And behold, there was a man who had a withered hand. And they asked Him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?—that they might accuse Him. Matthew 12:10
This is important to note: even though Jesus was in their presence to heal, all the people could focus on was the law.Instead of seeing what Jesus could do, they could only see what the law decreed. The One greater than the Sabbath was in their midst but they were in bondage to the law.
Here is the key: the law keeps people from experiencing the incredible blessing of having Jesus the Savior in their midst.
Beloved, many times we do the same thing. Instead of focusing on Jesus as our supply, we look at the demands placed on us.
If we are going to live under grace—experiencing every benefit of the new covenant—we must choose to make grace the principal thing in our lives.
This is what Abraham did.
The Bible says that Ishmael was born according to the flesh, and Isaac was born through promise (Galatians 4:23). When you see flesh in the Bible, it always speaks of self-effort.
Ishmael was born out of Abraham's self-effort, but Isaac was born out of God's promise to Abraham. Hagar (Ishmael's mother) represents the law, but Sarah (Isaac's mother) represents grace. And as long as law and grace were in the same house, there was no peace.
In Genesis 21:912, Sarah told Abraham to cast out this bondwoman and her son, and God confirmed to Abraham that that was what he was to do.
To discover your freedom and victory in Christ...
Grace and law cannot be mixed together. Grace must be the principal thing.
This is how it is for you and me today as recipients of the new covenant!Friend, your healing has already been provided. Your provision has already been provided. Every blessing has already been provided in Christ. My brand-new series, Experience Grace, will help you live in the truth of those promises. I hope you will request it today.
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and generous support. I am so grateful for you. Because of your generosity, we are able to share the gospel of grace with millions around the world.
Thank you for helping make this possible!
You can experience the superabundant blessings of the new covenant all because of the grace of Jesus. Make grace the principal thing in your life, and experience the Lord's abundance today!
In His Grace,
I want you to live in the freedom and victory that belong to you through Christ Jesus, and I hope you'll request my new audio series, Experience Grace. You are a tremendous blessing to me and to our ministry, and I believe this year will be a year of greater glory for you!
If you've been blessed by this message or know someone who needs to know Jesus, we hope you will share this email with them. This is a great way to share Christ and the gospel of grace with your family and friends, and you could be instrumental in changing a life!
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