Friday, 28 February 2014

Release The Anointing Into Your Situation

‘When anyone offers a grain offering to the Lord, his offering shall be of fine flour. And he shall pour oil on it, and put frankincense on it.

Leviticus 2:1

The grain offering in the Old Testament speaks of Jesus’ sacrifice, and oil in the Bible speaks of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. So the grain offering of fine flour, which had oil poured on it, speaks of Jesus’ humanity being anointed by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is fully God. But when He came to earth, He literally emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant. (Philippians 2:7) That is why He needed to be anointed of the Holy Spirit before He could begin His ministry. (John 1:33) Though fully God, He did things by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was anointed to bring the blessings of God into the lives of people. He first spoke of His anointing when He was preaching in His hometown — “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor…” (Luke 4:18)

Today, Jesus’ anointing has come upon you. (1 John 2:20) The Bible says that “the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you”. (1 John 2:27) But how is this anointing in you released?

My friend, it is when you call upon Jesus’ name. In Song of Solomon 1:3, the virgins, representing the church, love His name, which is like ointment poured forth when spoken. When they called upon His Name, His fragrance was released and the anointing was poured forth.

So when you call upon the name of Jesus, you are releasing His anointing. Call upon His name when you are feeling down and His anointing will lift your spirit up. If you are feeling dry and empty, just say, “Jesus, Jesus.” Before you know it, a river of refreshing will gush forth as His anointing flows. Call upon His name when you need a breakthrough and His anointing will release it to you.

Romans 10:13 says that “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. So call on Jesus’ name and watch His anointing release your deliverance, healing, protection and prosperity, and make you whole!

Thought For The Day
The anointing which you have received from Jesus abides in you and is released into your situation when you call upon His name.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Fortify In Times Of Peace

…His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Psalm 91:4, NLT
Fortify In Times Of Peace

Don’t wait for a crisis to happen before you start meditating on God’s Word. When things are well with you, start storing up the Lord’s promises in your heart. Start fortifying yourself with the unshakable Word of God.
My friend, be wise like Joseph, who stored up grain during the years of plenty and peace, so that the people were well provided for when famine struck. Be wise like King Solomon, who fortified key cities and built supply centers when the land was at rest, and brought peace and prosperity to his people (1 Kings 9:15–19). These are pictures of meditating on and fortifying yourself with God’s promises, your nourishment, armor and protection.
Beloved, God wants you to fill your heart with the good treasure of His Word that will bring forth good things even when times are bad. His Word in your heart will protect and sustain you, light the way and deliver you safely through every storm!

Supplied According To His Riches In Glory

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
Supplied According To His Riches in Glory

Aren’t you glad that God’s supply toward us is not according to the state of the world’s major economies? Neither is it according to whether natural calamities or economic woes have paralyzed these key economies. No, He supplies our needs—He protects, provides and restores to us what we have lost—according to His riches in glory, which are limitless and totally unaffected by world events!
So come what may today or tomorrow, be encouraged to know that God is well able to supply ALL your needs. There is no problem in your life that escapes His attention, or that is too big for His grace to provide. When His supply is according to His riches in glory, He not only has your back covered, but He has also gone before you and made available every provision to you (Psalm 139:5, NLT).
My friend, you can live life with confidence and boldness. Your heavenly Father watches over you and has already provided you with whatever you need to live victoriously as an overcomer!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Hold On To The Word

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!
John 15:7, NLT
Hold On To The Word!
When the enemy attempts to steal from you (John 10:10), what do you think he heads straight for? What do you think is the most valuable and important thing that he wants to take away from you?
According to Jesus, it is the Word of God (Mark 4:14–15). That’s what the enemy goes for, because he doesn’t want the Word taking root in your heart and producing all kinds of good fruit in your life. He knows that before he can steal your health, joy, peace and provisions, he has to steal the Word from you. Without the truth of God’s Word guiding your life, he can make you believe his lies and rob you blind.
That’s why, beloved, I encourage you to hold on to the Word of His grace that you have heard. Study it, understand it, keep it close to your heart and speak it over your life. Keep being reminded of the gospel of His grace, whether it’s through listening to sermons or reading books that are full of Jesus and His finished work. Don’t say, “I’ve heard it all before.” No, keep hearing it. Let its roots go really deep. Let it build you up, assure you of God’s faithfulness and cause you to walk in the rich inheritance you have in Christ!

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Righteousness Is Life

In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.
Proverbs 12:28

God does not want us to worry about whatever happens in the world. We don’t need to be affected by whatever is causing the world to be afraid because we are the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21) And the Bible says, “In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.”
The patriarchs of the Old Testament did not suffer during the famines that occurred in their lifetimes. Abraham remained very rich in livestock, silver and gold. (Genesis 12:10, 13:1–2) Isaac reaped a hundredfold in the land he sowed. (Genesis 26:1, 12–14) Joseph, with his entire family, was richly provided for in Egypt. (Genesis 47:11–13, 27) They weren’t just spared from suffering — they prospered exceedingly!
So even if our nation or the world enters a recession, we need not suffer. As long as we keep our eyes on Jesus, our righteousness, we will prosper!
This proved true for a church member whose boss told everyone to expect a substantial pay cut during an economic downturn. But while her colleagues received pay cuts, she received a substantial increment! As the righteousness of God in Christ, she saw prosperity in a time of lack.
In the midst of fearful news such as terrorist attacks, deadly pestilences and natural calamities, God says, “In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.” In fact, He protected an entire coastal town in South India during the Asian Tsunami in 2004.
A pastor who lived in that coastal town was praying that morning when he felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to plead the blood of Jesus over his entire town. So he did just that. When the tsunami struck, his town was untouched while five other towns, which were further inland, were wiped out by the devastating flood.
My friend, God protects us when the world is experiencing evil because we are the righteousness of God in Christ. His Word declares that “in the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death”!
Thought For The Day
You don’t need to be affected by whatever is causing the world to be afraid because you are the righteousness of God in Christ. 

Friday, 21 February 2014

No ‘Buts’ In The Good News

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8
No ‘Buts’ In The Good News
Imagine having a rich uncle who comes up to you one day and says, “I have really good news for you. I know you need a family car badly, so I bought you a really nice one!” Your jaw drops at the good news. But before you can thank him, he says, “It’s all yours…BUT you have to pay me monthly installments of $1,000 for it.”
Suddenly, what started out as “good news” doesn’t turn out to be good news after all. Why? Because it contains a big “BUT!” The “gift” isn’t genuine because it has a condition attached to it.
Sadly, this is how some people understand the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They’ve been told, “Yes, you are saved by God’s grace, BUT from now on, you have to make sure that you come to church, read your Bible, pray, serve, dress holy…to keep your salvation.” Like the car, salvation is not really a free gift—you have to merit it with “installments” of good works.
Beloved, good works are important, but they can’t save you. The only thing that can save you is the blood of Jesus. And when you put your faith in Jesus and His finished work, you were saved for all eternity, with no strings attached because grace is not grace if your works have any part to play in it (Romans 11:6)! That’s why the gospel of God’s grace is truly GOOD NEWS! And it is knowing and believing this that produces godly fruits of faith and righteousness in your life!


Monday, 17 February 2014

Stand Still And See Yeshua Your Salvation

And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord…The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”
Exodus 14:13–14
Stand Still And See Yeshua Your Salvation
Not long after Moses brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, they found themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. In front of them was the treacherous Red Sea, and behind them was the army of Pharaoh, armed to the teeth and charging toward them to slaughter them!
Naturally, the Israelites were terrified. But Moses said to them, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord…” (Exodus 14:13). I can just imagine what some of the Israelites must have thought: “Stand still? Is he out of his mind? We better do something quick!”
My friend, in the midst of a crisis, the last thing that we would want to do is “stand still.” Yet, that is what God wants us to do—“Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.” The word “salvation” here is the Hebrew word, Yeshua, the name of Jesus. In other words, God wants us to “stand still,” and see or keep our eyes on Jesus. When we stop trying to solve the crisis using our own smarts and strength, and turn to the Lord, He will “part the Red Sea” or make a way where there is none. He will fight our battles for us!
So the next time the devil tells you, “What are you going to do about it?” don’t fall for his old trick and move out of your position of rest by getting into fear and anxiety. See Yeshua and keep your eyes on Him. He is your salvation—your healing, your wisdom and your provision. Let Him deal with your enemies. He will bring you safely to the other side. What He did for the Israelites, He will do for you today! 

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Be Conscious Of God`s Love

Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you…Do not be afraid, for I am with you…
Isaiah 43:4–5, NIV
Be Conscious Of God’s Love And Win
When you step out in faith to pursue the dream that God has put in your heart, oftentimes, you will face challenges, opposition and trials. Do you know what gives you the ability to face your giants unafraid, and see them defeated through the Lord’s power and provision?
I believe that it all boils down to a revelation and consciousness of God’s perfect and unconditional love for you. Do you know how precious and loved by God you are today?
My friend, God’s immeasurable love for you caused Him to sacrifice His beloved Son for you so that you would always have His presence and His provision. Because of Jesus’ finished work, God doesn’t leave you or condemn you even when you fail. And if God is always with you and for you, no evil that tries to stand against you can prevail!
Whatever your challenges today, abide in the Lord’s love for you. Make a conscious, personal decision to major on His love for you instead of the negative forces against you. That’s how you conquer the giants in your way! 

God Greater Glory

He shall deliver you in six troubles, yes, in seven no evil shall touch you.
Job 5:19

God will deliver you from all your troubles. (Psalm 34:19, 2 Timothy 4:18) But deliverance is actually not the best that God has for you because it implies that you are in trouble. God’s best for you is the place where no trouble or evil can touch you. And with His help, you will come to that place because the Bible says, “He shall deliver you in six troubles, yes, in seven no evil shall touch you.”
This does not mean that God will only deliver you six times. It just means that as you keep believing God’s promises of protection, after some time, you will come to a place where no evil will touch you!
So when trouble comes, God does not want you to be discouraged. He wants you to know that it is only the devil trying to steal His Word from your heart. The devil is afraid of leaving God’s Word in your heart for even one second because he knows that it will lead you to a place where no evil will touch you. That is why he comes immediately to steal God’s Word from your heart.
He will do so by telling you, “Look, your child is sick. Where is God now?” You must not respond by saying, “Well, I guess it does not work. Maybe God’s promises of deliverance are not for my family.”
No, you must continue to stand on God’s promises. Say, “The previous flu my child had did not stay. God promises me deliverance and He did deliver my child then. So I will live life believing His promises of deliverance because His Word is true. And I will come to a place where no evil can touch me and my family!”
Beloved, even if in the next moment you happen to stub your toe against something hard, don’t be discouraged and wonder why God did not protect your toe. The devil had meant to cause greater harm to you, but thank God that he could not because God is watching over you. And keep standing on His promises until you come to the place where no evil will touch you!
Thought For The Day
Keep believing God’s promises of protection and come to a place where no evil will touch you! 

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Valentine Special

No One on Earth could ever pay back what God loved for us and yet God never expect anyone to do so as human. His loved for us far beyond compare and many still ignored. If, we human know how to loved our partner, how much more God loved for us as the creator who gave up His only begotten son to die at the cross so that You and I could be saved. His finished worked at the Cross make everything possible not only defeated devil (where devil was thrown out from heaven, Dusk shell you eat the rest of your live and also was make the footstool). Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), Galatians 3:13
Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all… Romans 4:16
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. …2 Corinthians 12:9

When Jesus Christ decided to
Give us a Valentine,
He followed His Father's orders--
The task God did assign.
He gave Himself, His life, His all,
For this special Valentine,
Knowing He would change the world;
Real love He'd redefine.
It's sacrifice we need to give
To a beloved Valentine;
When we do that, we get a glimpse
Of the holy and divine.
Oh Lord, please help us be like you,
With every Valentine.
When we love each other as You did,
It's then that we're really Thine.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

God’s grace is His undeserved

Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all…
Romans 4:16

God’s grace is His undeserved, unearned and unmerited favor. And because it is undeserved, unearned and unmerited, all of us qualify for it. But how do we walk in it?
Just as a password gives you access to a computer program, faith enables you to walk in God’s unmerited favor. Now, faith has nothing to do with what you do or what you can do. Faith is simply believing and declaring what God has done and is doing for you.
When you believe that the favor of God is on you because of Christ’s finished work, His promises of provision, healing and restoration become sure to you. They are not just sure to the Jews, but also to you and me because we are “of the faith of Abraham”.
Ruth was a Gentile widow who put her faith in God’s grace. She believed and declared that God’s favor would lead her to the right field in which to glean, where she would find favor in the owner’s sight. (Ruth 2:2) Because she depended on God’s unmerited favor, God not only placed her in wealthy Boaz’s field, but also in the genealogy of Jesus! (Matthew 1:5)
Ruth’s faith in God’s favor opened up a whole new world for her. She went from poverty to wealth, widowhood to marriage, and from being childless to having a complete family. She also became a respected member of the community. (Ruth 4:13–15)
If Ruth, a Gentile who was under the old covenant, enjoyed God’s favor, how much more will we who are under the new covenant of grace enjoy the blessings that the unmerited favor of God brings! In fact, because God sees us in the Beloved today, we enjoy the same favor that Jesus has! (Ephesians 1:3–6)
My friend, when you believe that you have the same favor that Jesus has, a whole new world will open up to you — a world where all of God’s promises are “Yes” and “Amen” in Christ! (2 Corinthians 1:20)
Thought For The Day
When you believe that the favor of God is on you because of Christ’s finished work, His promises of provision, healing and restoration become sure to you.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Christ Has Redeemed Us From The Curse Of The World

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”),

Galatians 3:13

Many believers probably know that when Jesus died, our sins were forgiven because He shed His blood. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. (Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 9:22) But why did Jesus have to die on the cross, since the capital punishment of Israel during the time of Christ was stoning and not crucifixion?

Jesus hung and died on the cross because He knew the law which says that “he who is hanged is accursed of God”. (Deuteronomy 21:23) He wanted to redeem us from every curse of the law, so He went to the cross, “having become a curse for us”. Jesus took all our curses at the cross, so that we can take all His blessings!

The moment you received Jesus, every curse in your life was destroyed. And the way you experience this is to simply believe and confess what Jesus has done for you. Say, “Because of Jesus, I am blessed.” The more you say it and believe it, the more you will experience it.

So if there is an area in your life in which you feel oppressed, for example, a skin condition that refuses to heal, say, “Christ has redeemed me from this skin condition. I refuse it and reject it in Jesus’ name because by His stripes I am healed!” (1 Peter 2:24) Believe it and say it until you see it!

“But Pastor Prince, my father died of cancer. His father died of cancer. And I have been told by my doctor that there is a likelihood that I might get it too. It’s in our blood!”

My friend, the blood of Christ shed at the cross has redeemed you from all curses, including diseases like cancer! God put the curse of cancer on Jesus at the cross. And He put all the blessings of Jesus on you. Therefore, expect only the blessings of Jesus to come upon you and overtake you!

Thought For The Day
The moment you received Jesus, every curse in your life was destroyed.

No Limit To His Supply

I believe God is pleased when you ask Him for more.
There is no limit to His supply! And He wants to bless you with every good thing.
When you ask Him for more of His goodness, more of His strength, more of His healing, more of His favor, more of His divine power working in you and through you—He is not offended. He loves to bless you!
In fact, God has already provided you with these things. As a child of God, righteous in His sight because of Jesus, these blessings are laid up in store for you. All you and I have to do is access them by faith.
Let me show you how...
You can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to enjoy divine health, good success and every spiritual blessing.
In John 14:26, Jesus told His disciples that when He returned to the Father, they would receive the Helper, that is the Holy Spirit, who would teach them all things.
On the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1–4, the Holy Spirit showed up in a powerful way.
A mighty wind was heard and felt, as cloven tongues of fire settled over the believers gathered in the Upper Room that day. The Holy Spirit filled everyone in that room, just as Jesus had promised, and they spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
This same gift of tongues is available to you. While you don't have to speak in tongues, it is such a privilege and a gift from our Father in heaven.
And today I want to show you how this blessed gift from heaven can transform your life from the inside out.
The reason why we as believers can speak in tongues today, is because we have been made so righteous by the blood of Jesus that the Holy Spirit can live in us (see 1 Corinthians 3:16)—not just for one day, but forever!
This is such a wonderful truth to understand because it means that you are continually filled with the Holy Spirit. When the Lord is with you always, it means that you will live a life that is not stagnant, defeated or unproductive.
Life in the Spirit is characterized
by joyful abundance.
Jesus likened the Holy Spirit inside you to rivers of living water (see John 7:38-39). When you pray in the Spirit, you are tapping into the power that God has deposited in you through the Holy Spirit. You can activate and release this power of God to come into whatever situation you find yourself in.
  • If you are hard pressed for a decision...there is a river of wisdom.
  • If you feel weak...there is a river of power.
  • If you are confused about a situation...there is a river of a sound mind.
  • If you feel unloved or unappreciated...there is a river of love.
  • If you are tired or overwhelmed...there is a river of rest.
But here is the key: these rivers are released through your mouth.
As you continue to pray in the Spirit (or maybe begin for the very first time), the rivers of provision, increase, healing, favor and divine power will flow mightily in your life.
Beloved, God never meant for us to live life in stress. You don't have to strive or struggle with God—He wants you to live in the flow.
Whenever you have a need, come to your Father and pray in the Spirit. Instead of worrying, turn your cares into prayers and enter His rest. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 28:11-12 that speaking in tongues is "the rest" and "the refreshing."
So, the more you pray in the Spirit, the more you allow the power of God to drive out every fear, stress, worry and anxiety from your life. You will then see a greater measure of healing for your body, experience God's power in your situations and receive provision for your every need!
Beloved, thank you so much for your prayers and your faithful, generous support. Each time you give, it enables us to share the gospel of grace with millions of people all over the world. Thank you for standing with us and making that possible.
Remember, you can stir up rivers of life as you pray in tongues. And when you are so full of the Holy Spirit, you can't help but say and do things that produce successful results.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Commit Your Works

Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.
Proverbs 16:3
Supernaturally On Top Of Things

The Book of Wisdom instructs us to be “diligent to know the state of your flocks” (Proverbs 27:23). In other words, whether you’re running a business, in charge of a department, or just taking care of your home and children, know what’s going on!
Now, God doesn’t want you to get stressed out carrying out this responsibility in your own strength. He wants you to trust Him to empower you to do it. God wants you to look to Him, lean on His favor, wisdom and supply, and experience His Spirit leading you to carry out your responsibilities with thoroughness, accuracy and effectiveness.
Beloved, as you go about what you need to do today, trust the Lord to position you at the right time and place to do the right thing. Ask and expect Him to show you what you need to zero in on, and to supernaturally equip you for the demands of every situation. That’s how you walk in divinely directed diligence and stay on top of things!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Full Assurance Of Faith

General idea: God calls us to persevere-no matter what. While we are here on earth, we can go before the Father in worship and prayer, boldly entering Heaven. Each Christian has the great privilege that the high priest had only once a year. We have access to Him all the time; what is greater than that? And it's all because of the blood of Christ shed on our behalf! This is what our new life in Christ is all about; He has opened up a world for us to enter where we could never go before, all because of what He did for us. We can go into the presence of the Most Holy God, trust Him, and have confidence in Him so we can lead our lives with pure hearts, forsaking evil desires because of His promise that has been given and kept; God is trustworthy, so we can be faith-worthy. We have Christ's empowerment and His assurance for living. We can hold onto Christ tightly, and not waver when times are bad or we can't see where we are or are going. As we are encouraged to persevere, we can encourage others to trust in Christ, have hope for living, and endurance in life and/or in any opportunities or setbacks we face. We can love and have outbursts of love and worship instead of stress. Let us meet in fellowship with one another as one day, Christ will return and He wants us to be ready by exercising faith and confidence in Him now.
Contexts and Background:
In this passage, the author addresses his readers and hearers, including himself, to say that we must pay attention to Christ with faith and hope. He is giving encouragement to show an essential aspect of faith; it is trusting in Christ, but not blind faith because we know in whom we trust. This gives us assurance. We do not need to go to an altar or a priest, since Christ fills that role Himself. Jesus now asks us to come, where before, we had to stay away and give a sacrifice that was very temporary; in addition, if one's heart was not right, the sacrifice was not accepted. Now we can go before Him anytime and anywhere. In context, we are also given four conditions, 1.Sincere heart; 2. Undivided allegiance, as in loyalty to Christ and His Church; 3. Full assurance of faith; 4. Hearts sprinkled and Bodies washed. The question is why do we not, or why do we do so, so rarely? The point to us is: are we filled with gratitude for who and what He has done?
Commentary: Word and Phrase Meanings:
· Therefore, brothers. A reminder that we are all a part of the body of Christ, in community with one another and in unity with Christ from His work. Therefore, we are never alone, away from God, or away from one another (unless you isolate yourself, as these early church folks were seeking to do).
  • Confidence. Meaning we have the ability to be bold and go before God because He has saved us, renewed us, and empowered us. We do not earn or deserve this outpouring; it is a gift of love and grace. (Heb. 2:1-4; 4:15).
  • Enter the Most Holy Place, Meaning we have access to God's Heavenly Temple where before, in the earthy copy, only the high priest had access, and then only once a year. This is a monumental opportunity and shows us the depth and magnitude of how much we have been saved.
  • Blood of Jesus. The sacrificial death and following resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ appeased the wrath of God for us. Because He did this, we can receive salvation, as well as the joy and honor of receiving forgiveness for our sins. God was more merciful with us than we could ever be with anyone else, or could ever deserve. No matter what we go through from persecution or loss, we could never even catch a glimpse of what Christ gave to us through grace (Matt. 5: 3-12; Rom. 5:9; Rev. 1:5-6)
  • Through the curtain. This represents the presence of God and refers to the Temple and the veil that hid God's presence from the people, because no one with sin can approach Him. The ark of his covenant was kept behind the veil. Here Jesus tears the veil so we can approach God in an understandable and able manner. In context, this is a metaphor-that Jesus is the veil that was torn for us, His body torn to open the way for us to enter into God's presence, and to know and worship Him. This is also further argument for how Jesus is superior to Moses and the Law (Ex. 25:10-22; Lev 26:11-13; Num. 12:7; Duet 10:1-2; 2 Kings 25:8-10; Matt. 27:51; Mark 15:38; Heb. 3:6; 6: 13-20; 9:3, 23; 10:19-20; Rev. 3: 10-13; 4:6-8).
  • Over the house of God. A contrast to Moses who was the "house," as in linage of Law and Covenant. Now, Christ is over all, as in "Lord of the house." In Jewish tradition, the eldest son took over the family estate and/or business; he was the sole or primary heir. Here, Christ is Heir of all things. God's house was not the Tabernacle or Temple; it was God's people and Christ the Shepherd of us all: those who are His faithful, the faithful remnant of Israel, and then those who accepted Christ (Heb. 3:1-6).
  • Draw near. Meaning an invitation to enter the presence of God. Now for the Christian, it is worship and our personal relationship with Christ. This means we have clear, uninhibited access to God because of Christ (Gen. 4:2-15; Psalm 15; 73:28; Jer. 30:18-22; Matt. 27:51; Rom. 5:1-2; Eph. 2:13-22; Heb. 4:16; 7:19-25; 12:28; 3:15-16; 1 Pet. 2:4-10).
  • Sincere/ true heart. Being dependable and faithful without ulterior motives are the practical applications and exhortations of Christ's precepts with a willingness to do them (Psalm 24:4; Jer. 24:7; Matt. 15:8).
  • Full assurance of faith. Meaning commitment; our faith does not hesitate because we are trusting in and following Christ. This sets us up for the coming chapter 11 and thehall of fame of faith, what godly people do with faith. Salvation is not for us to just be saved and sit in a pew; it is for us to be impacted so we can be an impact to others.
  • Hearts sprinkled. Referring to the change and renewal of our heart and mind when we receive Christ's work and gift of grace and are thus released from a guilty conscience. This is about who Christ is and what He has done, and that we have freedom because of His once-for-all sacrifice (Rom. 1:8-15; 1 Cor. 11:4; Phil. 1:3; Col. 1:3; 1 Thess. 1:2; 2 Thess. 1:3; 2 Tim. 3:1; Philemon 4).
  • Bodies washed. This means a spiritual cleansing. Priests who went through the cleansing rituals could enter God's presence. We are cleansed before God's sight; what an animal sacrifice did in the OT law, now Christ has done permanently for us, and we are washed so we can enter God's presence. (Ex. 24:8; 29:4; Lev. 16:4; Rom. 12:1-3; Heb. 9:13-14; 1 Pet. 1:2). This is now symbolized in our baptism as our initiation in our new life as we become identified in and with Christ by His work. In the Old Testament Law, this prepares us to worship God, for our sins are temporarily hidden. Now in Christ, we are cleansed by the new covenant (Ex. 30:19-21; Lev. 8:6; 14:7-9; Ezek. 36:25-29; Eph. 5:26)
  • Hold unswervingly/fast to the hope. Meaning to be unshakably confident-without doubt or hesitation-in our trust in Christ. The reason is because Christ is faithful, even when our friends and circumstances are not. Thus, our confidence is in Christ, not the people in the church or how we are tested or treated either inside or outside the church walls (Acts 21:26; Rom. 3:24-26; 2 Tim. 2:13; Heb. 3:1-14; 6:18-20).
  • Spur/provoke/stir up one another. Meaning to stimulate another in hope, as in being an encourager. This is not just a spiritual gift; rather we have a duty to do it, even when we do not feel like it. This is the support, using our spiritual gifts, all working as a team. This is the strength of the church; without it we will fail. When we are encouraged, when we feel down-we are lifted up. The people with the gift of encouragement will be able to coordinate this; all Christians are able and called to do it. This also means to encourage people who are thinking of leaving the church to stay, and those who have left, to come back (Rom. 15:14; 1 Thess. 5:14; Eph. 4:15-16)!
  • Toward love. Hope, faith, and love are a triad of primary virtues from which character and Fruit flow out, by the work of the Holy Spirit. This is the foundation of the practice of the Christian life, our practical application and exhortation, and what it means to be transformed and renewed so we are changed and can be change agents in others' lives as well. Faith is also in community and mutual, as we each partake in Christ and need one another to grow further in our pilgrimage of Christian living. In so doing, we share Christ and therefore proclaim Him to those who do not know Him (1 Cor. 13; Col. 1:4-5; 1 Thess. 1:3; Heb. 3:7-19).
  • Let us not give up/neglecting meeting together. Do not give up or neglect or abandon the faith or the fellowship. Meaning "concord," we are better together than separate; we have harmony and strength, whereas as individuals, we are on our own and thus weak. We are called and made to function as a community; our only foe is our own pride that leads to our own destruction (Prov. 6:9; Matt. 27:46; Rom. 9:14-29; 2 Cor. 4:9; 2 Tim 4:10-16; 1 Thess. 2:1; 2 Pet. 3:9; Rev. 2:1)!
  • Encourage one another. Be confident, optimistic, and faithful by one another's faith, practicing prayer and using our gifts as a community. Having perseverance means having confidence in God so we trust Him in difficult situations, and still see and trust in His grace and love.This means having the resolve and determination not to be faint in our relationships or situations, so we will be able to persist in dealing with stress and can accomplish what God calls us to. When we do this together, we encourage one another. We can do this by being encouraging with Christ-like temperament (2 Chron. 32:1-8; Esther 7; Luke 16:22-31; 18:9; Acts 19:8-10; 26:19-23; Rom. 15:14-16; Gal. 6:9; Phil. 1:6; 12-14, 25; 2 Tim. 2:25; James 5:7-12).
  • Day approaching/drawing near. Referring to when Jesus will come back a second time. The point is not when he comes or how, but rather how we build our faith so when he does come, we are prepared. Theories of end times do nothing to prepare us; only the buildup of our faith does (1 Thess. 5:2, 4; 2 Thess. 1:10; 2:2; Heb. 9:8; 12:26-27; 2 Pet. 3:10).
Devotional Thoughts and Applications:
Worship is a covenant and call from our Lord to come before Him and meet with Him with reverence, gladness, and joy. This is about how we draw near and give God the recognition and admiration that He deserves. Praise is our motivation of an impassioned, changed heart, with an emotional and mindful exaltation of our gratitude for what God has done. It is a call to know Him intimately and express appreciation to Him with honor and thanksgiving, doing so with passion, sincerity, conviction, and in reverent fear and trembling. Worship is the aptitude, attitude, and practice of expressing the desire to know our Lord and Savior further, and being grateful for Who He Is and what He has done for us. Worship and praise are the giving of our best to Him. And, we do this because we are His; we give Him our heart that is already His. He has given His best to us already; in addition, we are enveloped into His eternal love and care for pure and useful purposes. This has nothing to do with musical prefaces or orders of worship. It is the matter of a changed heart that responds back to Christ who is the audience of our worship, as we are the performers.
The Essential Inductive Questions (for more Inductive questions see Inductive Bible Study):
    1. What does this passage say?
    2. What does this passage mean?
    3. What is God telling me?
    4. How am I encouraged and strengthened?
    5. Is there sin in my life for which confession and repentance is needed?
    6. How can I be changed, so I can learn and grow?
    7. What is in the way of these precepts affecting me? What is in the way of my listening to God?
    8. How does this apply to me? What will I do about it?
    9. What can I model and teach?
    10. What does God want me to share with someone?
Additional Questions:
  1. How do you feel when you visit a new church fellowship for the first time? What do you look for and expect?
  1. Why do some Christians today seek to isolate themselves from fellowship, as these early church folks were seeking to do?
  1. Why does God call you to persevere no matter what? How do your worship and prayer come into play and help? How can they better do so?
  1. Do you realize that you have access to God all the time? What is greater than that? How is this a great privilege? How are worship and prayer great privileges?
  1. If someone asked you what your new life in Christ is all about, what would you say?
  1. Because you have access to God's presence, how does this help you trust Him, and have confidence in Him? How does this help you lead your life with a pure heart, free from evil desires?
  1. How do you hold onto Christ so you do not waver when times are bad or when you can't see where you are or where you are going? How can you hold to Him more tightly?
  1. How do love and outbursts of love and worship help you with reducing stress? How can it? Are you filled with gratitude for who Jesus is and what He has done?
  1. Why is the assembling of believers so essential for our mutual growth and learning as well as for faith and encouragement?
  1. How are hope, faith, and love the foundation of the practice of the Christian life? How can you make this work of the Sprit in you into practical applications?
  1. In what area do you need to be encouraged to persevere in tough times? What can you do to be more encouraging in helping others to trust in Christ? Why is this so essential to building a healthy church fellowship?
  1. Do you know people who need hope for living and endurance in life for the opportunities or setbacks they face? If so, what can you and your church do about it?